
严重起痂, 严重起皮的英文

  • cope spall
  • 严重:    serious; grave; grievous; cr ...
  • 起痂:    blind scab; expansion reduce ...
  • :    rise; get up; stand up
  • :    skin
  • 隆重起:    crown
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        严重:    serious; grave; grievous; cr ...
        起痂:    blind scab; expansion reduce ...
        :    rise; get up; stand up
        :    skin
        隆重起:    crown
        重起动:    re-starting
        砂斑, 严重鼠尾, 起皮, 夹砂, 结疤:    sand buckle
        严重:    serious; grave; grievous; critical 严重关头 critical juncture; 病情严重 be seriously ill; 他的病很严重。 his illness was a severe one.; 严重程度 order of severity; 严重错误 gross error; 严重过失 aggravated negligence; serious misconduct; 严重后果 serious consequences; 严重警告 serious warning; 严重亏损 heavy losses; 严重伤害 grievous injury; 严重伤亡事故 casualty; 严重失效 serious failure; 严重失业地区 substantial-unemployment area; 严重失职 gross neglect of duty; 严重损害 grievous injury; 严重违法行为 outrage; 严重违约 serious breach of contract; 严重猥亵罪 gross indecency; 严重罪行 grave crime
        负重起踵:    calf raise
        全重起飞:    full-gross-weight takeoff
        双重起动:    double start
        双重起诉:    double prosecution
        重起动负荷:    hard starting load
        重起炉灶:    begin all over again; make a fresh start
        转录重起始:    transcription reinitiation
        平衡重起重机:    counterpoise lift
        地壳运动后隆重起:    post-diastrophic uplift
        褶皱作用后隆重起:    post-folding uplift
        不严重:    nothing serious
        严重的:    acute; big; capital; damaging; grave adjective; grievous; grisliness; grisly; nasty; rock-ribbed; serious; severe; strait
        严重地:    badly; drastically; seriously; severely; sorely
        严重度:    disease severity; iss; severity
        严重吗:    is it serious
        严重伤:    severe injury
        严重性:    problem severity; seriou e; seriousness; severity


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